Kamo Sencha Zairai | Natural farming | 2023

加茂 煎茶 在来

Single-garden sencha from old (+50 years) seed-grown zairai tea trees harvested by Tokuya Yamazaki on April 28th 2023 in Kamo, Kyoto.
Deep roots in healthy soil convey a warm minerality and moss-like earthiness followed by a sweetly lingering aftertaste with hints of green legumes and fragrant wood.

edamame – hinoki wood – hot iron

Contains 50g.

Out of stock


Tea trees | 茶樹

Cultivar: Zairai (local variant of the tea tree grown from seed)

Age: unknown

Altitude: 150-200 masl

Shade: none

Fertilisation: none

Cultivation method: natural farming (read more about organic and natural farming here)

Harvest: April 28th 2023

Production method | 製茶方法

Steaming: medium (futsūmushi)

Hi-ire: none

Producer | 生産者

Tokuya Yamazaki at Kamo Shizen Nōen 加茂自然農園

Origin | 産地

Kamo in Kyoto, Japan


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